Nossos Cães

Macho 2

Shih tzu

Macho 2

Shih tzu


  • Sexo Macho

  • Nascimento: 31/05/2023

  • Cor Fulvo e Branco

Fale com o Criador Agora
Fale com o Criador Agora Voltar para ninhada Conheça o pedigree


Br Pepper's Magic Mike Br Pepper's Magic Mike

Br Pepper's Magic Mike

BR Pepper's Looking for Love

Prime Moon Brighter Than The Sun

Symarun's One Last Look Symarun's One Last Look

Symarun's One Last Look

Jenset Find Yourself N'Wenrick Jenset Find Yourself N'Wenrick

Jenset Find Yourself N'Wenrick

Wenrick's Sundance Kid Wenrick's Sundance Kid

Wenrick's Sundance Kid

Wait and Bleed Do Vale do Rio Grande




Chacon's Prime Poms Girl of the Future Chacon's Prime Poms Girl of the Future

Chacon's Prime Poms Girl of the Future

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